1:1 Coaching For individuals
Feel clearer, more confident and re-energised about living your life
“I often ask myself… what would Sarah do.” Vicky.
At the heart of my coaching is a deep belief in your capability to achieve and thrive in whatever is important to you; inviting in self-compassion as you go through the process.
The reasons people work with me as a coach include:
- 🎨 Moving through CREATIVE BLOCKS – feeling more able to express yourself creatively and try out creative activities.
- 💃🏻 Reconnecting to JOY – helping you remember or discover what is alive for you, what feels effortless, light and what you genuinely want to do with your life, not just what you think you should be doing.
- 🎠Juggling a VARIED PORTFOLIO or MULTIPLE INTERESTS as a multi-potentialite or ‘Carouseller’ and honouring all the parts of yourself.
- 💪🏾 Taking action on NEW PROJECTS – launching, putting yourself out there and experimenting with new ideas or passion projects from a place of flow.
- 🔥Making BIG CHANGES in your life that come from a FULL BODY YES, rather than societal pressure.
- 😩 And, of course, deciding whether to QUIT something.
With me you get…
- A fresh perspective, to lift you out of the muddle.
- Highly intuitive, deep listening and razor sharp clarity – cutting through the confusion to get to the heart of what’s really going on.
- A personalised style (eg. movement, frameworks, oracle cards, visualisation, drawing or shadow work) based on what you need that day. It’s the opposite of formulaic.
- The feeling of being held – like you’re having a cuppa with an old friend who totally gets you.
- Most importantly, we’ll have fun. We’ll go deep but I’ll also help you to laugh at yourself and help it all feel a little lighter (there may be dancing…)
- I’m trained in the Co-Active Method, an embodied style where we coach the whole person, and believe everyone to be Creative, Resourceful and Whole.

At the heart of my coaching is a deep belief in your capability to achieve and thrive in whatever is important to you; inviting in self-compassion as you go through the process.
The reasons people work with me as a coach include:
- 🎨 Moving through CREATIVE BLOCKS – feeling more able to express yourself creatively and try out creative activities.
- 💃🏻 Reconnecting to JOY – helping you remember or discover what is alive for you, what feels effortless, light and what you genuinely want to do with your life, not just what you think you should be doing.
- 🎠Juggling a VARIED PORTFOLIO or MULTIPLE INTERESTS as a multi-potentialite or ‘Carouseller’ and honouring all the parts of yourself.
- 💪🏾 Taking action on NEW PROJECTS – launching, putting yourself out there and experimenting with new ideas or passion projects from a place of flow.
- 🔥Making BIG CHANGES in your life that come from a FULL BODY YES, rather than societal pressure.
- 😩 And, of course, deciding whether to QUIT something.
With me you get…
- A fresh perspective, to lift you out of the muddle.
- Highly intuitive, deep listening and razor sharp clarity – cutting through the confusion to get to the heart of what’s really going on.
- A personalised style (eg. movement, frameworks, oracle cards, visualisation, drawing or shadow work) based on what you need that day. It’s the opposite of formulaic.
- The feeling of being held – like you’re having a cuppa with an old friend who totally gets you.
- Most importantly, we’ll have fun. We’ll go deep but I’ll also help you to laugh at yourself and help it all feel a little lighter (there may be dancing…)
- I’m trained in the Co-Active Method, an embodied style where we coach the whole person, and believe everyone to be Creative, Resourceful and Whole.
In Autumn 2016 I approached a coach to support me with increasing sales for my business.
I ended up going on a much deeper journey.
This journey would help me understand what I really cared about in the world, how I operated, what my dream way of working and living was, and what was holding me back from it. The conversations were deeply transformative and I left every session feeling like I was reclaiming a part of me.
Sales did increase in my business, but not because I was forcing it; because I was choosing every part of my life to feel in alignment with who I was. The feeling of having someone else hold you in mind, week after week, is a very special experience.
With all of my coaches I’ve found that you go in thinking you’re going to work on one thing and come out doing something totally different. It’s in these intimate spaces that you can tune into your heart and find out what is REALLY there, what is really calling you.
I’ve spent the last 13 years experimenting. Being a life explorer. A traveller of different identities and ways of working. Everything that I’ve birthed into the world I can trace back to joy; to experiences that filled me up and made my heart sing.
I understand what it’s like to feel in flow and also what it’s like to work totally against my values.
In these times of rapid change and transformation, the biggest gift we can give ourselves is to take time to recognise the different murmurs of our heart and sensations in our gut. Know when we need to push on, and when it’s time to shed a layer…
A constant tweaking and readjustment.
Throughout the dark metaphorical winters and the ‘how-friggin’-lucky-am-I’ high times of the past few years, I’ve designed and assembled an incredible toolkit of frameworks, methodologies and questions, and built supportive communities, who help each other to show up fully.
Consider me your ”alignment-alchemist”, ready to prescribe the perfect concoction of support to get you on your way.
I am your compassionate cheerleader, who will sit alongside you and support you to find a deeper connection with the life that is really yours, with humour and humanity. It’s deep and it’s a lot of fun too.
I can empathise with the complexities and frankly unnecessary pressure of working out ‘what you want to do with your life’ and ‘what’s expected of you’ and while you’re carving out what’s important to you, I can help you live a life that is already enough. That’s already vibrant. That doesn’t have to wait until you GET somewhere before you get to start living.

Quitting Quadrant
This model helps you check in honestly with your various projects so you can stay motivated with the ones that matter, and let go guilt free of the ones that don’t. Flow, growth, grit and restore are the pillars.

A model to support multi-passionates to manage their work flow. The philosophy is that we honour whatever is alive for us, trusting projects will ‘come back around the Carousel’ when the time is right.

3-tier pricing
When I first started pricing my services I had no idea where to start. This model shows you how to trust your instinct when setting prices, making sure you pay yourself enough and are not working in resentment.
I also run workshops
Sign up to my newsletter to keep up to date on new workshops for individuals and freelancers, including topics such as…

The Carousel Model

Joy of Promo

Intuitive Pricing
Sound like a good match?
Book a free chemistry call to explore what it would be like to work with me.